What’s New

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Delivering quality applications for your jobs is what we do at NIJobs. Making that happen for you is our extensive team of developers, product managers and UX designers.

Every quarter we’ll share the latest product updates on NIJobs so you can stay up to date with the latest enhancements to our platform.


New location based search box

Jobseekers can now enjoy a more focused job search for jobs based on their location, thanks to the new search box on the NIJobs homepage. They can now enter a keyword such as job title, choose their location and extend their search from 5 miles to 100 miles. Job location is a significant consideration for people when they are searching for a new role. This change will bring more relevant jobseekers to your jobs, delivering more quality applications for you. It means that adding the correct location information to your job is now more important than ever.


Salaries for the most in-demand jobs

Salaries for 600 of the most in-demand jobs in Northern Ireland can be found on our new salary guide pages.   Developed by our SEO team, this new page provides much sought after salary information that will attract new talent to our platform. With links to live jobs for each job featured it should prove to be a rich source of applications.


Introduction of boolean search

Ubiquitous across the recruitment industry, boolean search will allow you to quickly filter the almost one million candidates in TalentBank to help identify the best person for your job.


Saved searches alerts

You want to know when your ideal candidate has joined TalentBank so now the alerts for saved searches will be on by default. This simple change allows you to turn your attention to other areas safe in the knowledge that you will never miss out on talent.


More flexible Sort Order on search results

A sort order is now available on TalentBank searches allowing you to change the order of results from most relevant to most recently active, in order to find the freshest talent.


Default for searches set to ‘last active’

The last active filter for search results is now set to default to the last year, so will automatically see the most relevant jobseekers first.


Refinements to ‘Improve your job’

When you are posting a position, you receive a prompt with suggestions of how to improve your job so you can receive stronger applicants. This will now highlight poor job titles, incomplete salary information and job descriptions that appear to be too similar to other job descriptions


New hourly salary for jobs

You now have more flexibility with salary information. An hourly salary option for jobs is now available, together with a screening question for an anticipated hourly rate.


Better placed Candidate Recommendations

You can now see Candidate Recommendations on your applicant page, where you can view recommendations and invite your chosen candidates to apply for your roles. This page has had a refresh making it quicker and easier to navigate.


New screening questions

Two new screening questions were added to help you screen and filter applications more effectively. You can now add screening questions for relevant qualifications/certifications or relevant experience/skills as stipulated in the job description.

If you have any questions about our latest product updates then please join our weekly Customer Success webinars. Alternatively, you can get in touch with our Customer Success Team.