Top tips to kick start your job search

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Register your profile on
If you’re looking for a new job, start your search at and register your profile and CV on the site to make it easy to apply for the roles that interest you.  The site allows you to set up email job alerts on a daily, weekly or fortnightly basis, using your chosen keyword or job title, so you’ll always receive notification of the latest jobs in your chosen industry.

Be patient
Job hunting can be a lengthy process if you’re applying for numerous positions and awaiting responses from recruiters regarding shortlisting and interview dates.  Be patient and remember, companies have procedures to adhere to and want to ensure they carefully consider their decisions. If you face rejection – at application level or following interview, it is important not to be disheartened. See feedback from recruiters and use the feedback to receive to positively improve on your applications / CV or your performance at interview

Remember first impressions count
Always consider the importance of first impressions at every stage of the recruitment process. From the way you write and present your CV or application, companies are building an impression of you – so check there are no spelling or grammatical errors and that you present your skills, education and experience clearly, fully and without exaggeration!. If you’re invited for interview, show your interest in the role by arriving early, dressing smartly and being well prepared.


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Shine at interview
Employers want to ensure they’re hiring the best candidate to meet the needs of the organisation – so be prepared to discuss the skills and experience you have and how you can be an asset to the company in fulfilling its needs and future development.  Research the questions you’re likely to be asked and discuss the challenges you have overcome, the solutions you found to overcoming issues and the results.

Don’t stop learning
Take advantage of classes, seminars and training opportunities to advance your knowledge and use the internet and social media to keep informed on the latest trends and news within your chosen industry.  The additional knowledge and experience you gain will help set you apart from other candidates.

Ready to start your job hunt? Search current roles by category now.  Read more advice and job news in our Career Advice Section.